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Intuition = More Powerful than Intellect

Are you struggling to connect with or trust you intuition? Maybe you don’t give it much credence or you may think it’s a bit too woolly? This blog’s title quotes a belief held by Steve Jobs, and personally I would like to see it becoming as prolific as his other creations! 


Intuition isn’t spoken about or given credence nearly enough, maybe because we find it too hard to define? A few other terms might be used to describe states that can skirt or even access intuition, for example



Heart intelligence


Internal compass



I used to think that intuition was just something that occurred now and again, and if I was lucky, it would kick in when I needed it.

Now I know differently.


Intuition, it turns out, is accessible 24/7. Accessing it at will is, for most of us, a skill we need to develop but one its possible for us all to get good at! No matter who you are, you can develop the ability to tune into yourself and to recognize the inner wisdom innate to you. After that, it’s all about trusting that inner voice and acting upon it.


But first of all, it’s about developing the capacity to cut through all the noise that’s getting in the way, so you can differentiate between all the other ‘voices’ and that wise one.


To cut through the often-overpowering other voices, - like the ‘ego-voice’, the inner critic or the ‘what if? voices, - does require identifying them and separating them out from your intuitive voice. (Your clear intuitive ‘knowing’ that feels true and right can be hard to identify when the others are creating so much noise!)


Typically the noise includes internal arguments with yourself against what you ‘just know’. Or you may feel unable to identify next steps, or you cannot explain your ‘knowing’ so you don’t trust it. Nevertheless, you may have experienced that if you do ‘listen’ and follow that intuitive voice, inevitably it always turns out to be right!


The key is trust, trusting your intuition requires recognizing it first then having the confidence to act on it.


If you think of it akin to tuning into a radio station or ensuring your camera lens is in focus, tuning into yourself is where you’ll get the clearest message or picture, which like any clear radio or phone reception will be without static or any camera lens will need to be without dust, invariably it will be without stress.


My colleague Melissa and I have been helping people cut through 'noise' and access their intuitive insights for decades now and we’re finally getting ready to launch our Tuned-In Way coaching programs. After a few delays needing us to fine-tune the technical process (pun unintended!) we will launch with our first program for professional women who are also mothers (which from our research has shown itself to be an area most in need). All future programs will include an extensive collection of short videos with simple, easy to apply concepts, downloadable supporting audios, pdfs and other resources to access for life, as well as weekly live group coaching session online. We admit to being excited!

Do get in touch for more information – and watch this space!


Don’t let the voice of others opinions drown out your own inner voice.’ Steve Jobs



International Association of Coaching | Applied Emotional Mastery
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