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Gone Fishing?

In my last blog I dived into one of my pet subjects, listening – (no pun intended with this photo :-) and I did go on a bit :-). I’ll be briefer this time and hope you’ll bear with me as I dive a little deeper, ..................more specifically into listening to yourself.. Do you?


When did you last take the time to be still, to not busy yourself ‘doing’ anything, but rather sit still for the sole purpose of contemplation; of stilling ‘the monkey mind’; of just allowing your mind to wander?


Or maybe you sat still to achieve a coherent brain-body, to tune into yourself so your highest intelligence, your deepest wisdom, your strongest intuition, can surface?


Last week? Last month? Last year?


When I ask people this, the response is usually; “I don’t remember,” or even “Never!”

How about you?


Generally, we are not ‘programmed’ to consider mind-wandering stillness as productive or even necessary – yet it is one of the most important skills we can nurture and one of the skills most great leaders have in common.


You may have heard the story about Albert Einstein who had his greatest insights while daydream. Professor of Entrepreneurship and author Colin Turner put it like this; “If you are unable to develop the time to go mentally fishing for a set period each day, then it is doubtful that you will catch any worthwhile ideas.”


Enough said.

My wish for 2025 is that we all spend more time mentally fishing - every day, When we do, we become better at tuning into and listening to our own heart-centred intuition., better at relating, better at leading, better at parenting .and better at living in alignment with our own core-values. And that has all GOT to be good!

For more information on how we can help you with any of this, feel free to reach out to us


International Association of Coaching | Applied Emotional Mastery
Ane Academy Neuroscience | Applied Emotional Mastery
Association for Coaching | Applied Emotional Mastery
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