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The 'Non-advice' Advice

It’s everywhere – on every social media platform, in every newspaper, magazine, on-line forum and of course from well-meaning friends and family - advice. Advice on just about everything. Never mind the late-great Michael Mosley’s ‘just one thing', (that would be lovely!) there’s so much advice out there it’s increasingly becoming just noise. And with the oft-contradictory TMI* and well-intentioned advice frequently also comes judgment. Arrrgh!


No wonder the reported feelings of insecurity, overwhelm and even anxiety are on the increase.


The worst part?

This noise prevents us from tuning into the most powerful tool we have -whether as leaders, parents or individuals with any impact on anyone.  This innate tool to which I am referring has been in the making since birth – a bespoke, invaluable source of guidance that connects deeply to personal values and equips us to deal with just about any given situation – our intuition.


Unfortunately, all the noise is blocking us and our children from tuning into and building confidence in our intuition – and each other.


For obvious reasons, I am not now going to give any advice or suggestions – merely hoping that this observation resonates with you enough, giving you enough food for thought that you do what you need to do to disconnect from some of that noise and quietly listen, -tune in - to yourself.


It is a simple step in the reawakening of your intuitive intelligence. (More on that next time!)


*TMI too much information

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